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 Are your cameras being monitored live?

Having A Camera System Is Not Enough!

We are told that surveillance cameras are "effective" crime-fighting tools because they deter and/or record evidence of criminal activity. But this information is false: deterrence only works on some people, not all. One only has to keep up with the news being reported from around the world and we see day after day of over night burglaries or smash & grabs of businesses when there closed, and these businesses have cameras. Cameras are great to record crimes, and they give you a record after a crime is committed. Criminals don’t care If they are caught on video…..They Only Care IF They Get Caught In The Act OF A Crime!


Hiring A Security Guard Staff Is To Expensive !

Companies hire and rely on a security guard to watch their property to look for anything criminal or suspicious. But how can one person watch an entire property and see multiple views at the same time? An unarmed security guard typically costs $12-$20 per hour, while an armed security guard costs typically costs $18-$25 per hour. The time of day also affects pricing. Security guards working a over night shift may cost $30-$50 per hour. When hiring a security guard staff you have to pay for salaries, medical insurance, uniforms, golf carts, and many other expenses associated with a traditional guard.


What is the answer?

The answer is Digital Guard Live Surveillance Monitoring. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring has been used to improve or replace traditional security guard services for many businesses . Our solution is a proactive and more effective way to preventing the act of a crime at less than 75% of the cost of having security guards. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring eliminates all of those associated fees that comes with hiring a security guard staff. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring solves the problem of businesses burglarized overnight when their closed. Our command center views live real time video from any installed camera on our network. Upon viewing a attempted security breech, we can either dispatch a security response unit or immediately contact law enforcement. Our trained digital guards goes into action before an alarm is triggered and cuts down on the responds time from the police. Digital Guard monitoring is a proactive way to protect your business and staff.

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