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Are you "Smash & Grab" protected?

A smash and grab is a particular form of burglary. The distinctive characteristics of a smash and grab are the elements of speed and surprise. A smash and grab involves smashing a barrier, usually a display window in a shop or a showcase, grabbing valuables, and then making a quick getaway, without concern for setting off alarms or creating noise.

A smash and grab burglary can occur in many scenarios, both in broad daylight and at night, and the perpetrators can range from experienced thieves to impulsive vandals. Typically, display windows and showcases that are in enclosed areas, such as shopping malls and office buildings, are less vulnerable to smash and grab raids than those on open streets – particularly where the streets are poorly lit or unobserved.  There has been a increase of smash and grab crimes that involve ramming a truck or car through the walls of a convenience store or gas station in order to remove the ATM from the premises and recover the cash.

The greatest cost of smash and grab burglary can often be in replacing the windows or walls, which can sometimes far exceed the cost of the goods that are stolen.


What is the solution to "Smash & Grab"  burglary?

The answer is Digital Guard Live Surveillance Monitoring. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring has been used to improve or replace traditional security guard services for many businesses . Our solution is a proactive and more effective way to preventing the act of a crime at less than 75% of the cost of having security guards. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring eliminates all of those associated fees that comes with hiring a security guard staff. Digital Guard live surveillance monitoring solves the problem of businesses burglarized overnight when their closed. Our command center views live real time video from any installed camera on our network. Upon viewing a attempted security breech, we will ingage the perpetrator  thru our 2-way speaker system. If perpetrator does not comply to our order to leave the premises we will either dispatch a security response unit or immediately contact law enforcement. Our trained digital guards goes into action before an alarm is triggered and cuts down on the responds time from the police. Digital Guard monitoring is a proactive way to protect your business and staff.



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